domingo, 13 de diciembre de 2015

TYIC #36

Tag para el reto #36 de Tag You're It! Challenge.

Inspiración de la mano de Joyce Mehrberg

Editado 26/12/15:  Este tag ha sido elegido uno de los favoritos del reto #36)

8 comentarios:

  1. What an amazingly colorful neighborhood you have created. I want to move right in. Your background is fantastic, and I really love your shooting star. Thanks so much for playing along at Tag You're It.

  2. Cute tag! I like the shooting star and the cheerful houses. Thanks for joining the challenge at Tag You're It!

  3. Love this tag, the colors and the scene is just so cute! Thanks for playing along at Tag You're It!

  4. Such a great colorfull take on the challenge love it. Thanks for joining us over at Tag You're It.

  5. What a sweet neighbourhood you've created! I'd like to move into the small house on the right! Thank you for sharing this gem in the Tag You're It gallery!

  6. Love your colorful houses, and the pop ups in front! Gorgeous with the sky and star too! Thank you for joining us at TYI!

  7. What an adorable scene, thanks so much for joining us at Tag You're It Challenge.

  8. Cuando vengo a tu sitio (siento haber estado ausente durante estas semanas), antes de entrar siempre pienso en tags preciosos y originales, y éste es uno de ellos. ¡Eres una artista!
